In textile and fashion industry concern about design to minimize waste. As a designer, it is not only recycle garment but also include zero waste cutting, and introduces an idea to used avoid producing stuff that doesn't work, or don't need. For example, a piece of fabric pattern can re-made to new garment, design product with multifunction use, etc.
“Of the total textile fibre produced, up to 65% is lost, post-consumer, to landfill, incineration or composting, which represents between 400,000 and 700,000 tonnes per annum in the UK. Of this, at least 50% is said to be recyclable” (Allwood, 2006)
Holly Mcquilian - Twinset: Embedded Zero Waste
A percent of the fabric is wasted in the manufacturing of a garment is not much. When a pattern of fabric is cut out, the leftover scrap fabrics are usually useless. Holly Mcquilian is one of designer who used zero waste cutting for garment. She created a pattern that fit in another part of garment perfectly.
Figure1 Embedded Zero-Waste dress, vest and pant
Figure2 Embedded Zero-Waste Hoody and Tshirt
Figure3 Embedded Zero-Waste Pant and Jacket.
Embedded Zero-Waste Hoody and TshirtEmbedded Zero-Waste Hoody and Tshirt
Embedded Zero-Waste Hoody and Tshirt
Twinset: Embedded Zero Waste Project are three pattern which explore the possibility of embedded multiply garment in one pattern. In a piece of pattern, they have a different component of garment such as collar, sleeve, etc.
This is a good idea that has possibility to success. That is decrease fabric scarps in each garment. It is an extremly successful techniques as it not only minimize watse but also allow the customer to participate in the design process. For me as a textile designer, they are important part to consider about composition, scale, layout, proportion, and distribution of design to explore on garment pattern. Moreover, I create a garment that present a pattern on part of body. There are very useful to use a scarp of pattern to fill it. Furthermore, in my color project, they have some scarps from a part of my prototype collar as well. So in the second prototype, I tried to organize a collar pattern to fit well on to the fabric for leave less fabric scars as more as I can.
McQuilian, H. (2011) Twinset: Embedded Zero Waste. [Internet]. Available from: <> [Accessed: 30 October 2014]Tedresearch,. (n.d.) Ted's Ten 1 - Design to Minimize Waste. [Internet]. Available from: <> [Accessed: 30 October 2014]